Donald Ray
The featured artist for June 2021.

Artist Bio:
Donald Ray Is his signature, He thought it looks better on the canvas that way. He can paint in oil, acrylic, and many other mediums. He loves to sculpt, is also a potter, and wood worker. He is an accomplished jeweler, having 12 universities approve and license his work. He has been painting his whole life but only recently has he had the time and the passion to pursue it. Recently has had his work featured at Coffey Thompson Art Gallery. He is a father of 3 and has a step son. He has been a self employed builder for the past 25 years. It’s his dream to pursue art full time in the near future.
Artist Statement:
Sometimes we need an escape from the reality of our daily grind. I did these paintings to bring you into a different environment. The thought of a sea breeze, a smell of an ocean. I hope you can feel the flight of a pelican on an ocean wind,or imagine your life on a boat, right now. Look at the painting and put yourself in it, and escape.