Angela Lubinecky
February’s Featured Artist

Artist Bio:
My family is from Germany and Spain. When I was 6 years old my adventurous parents moved our family to East Africa. I was raised in a multicultural expatriate community in Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya. After graduating from the German school in Nairobi, I first moved to France, then England and finally Los Angeles, where I graduated with a degree in World Arts and Cultures from UCLA. After that it gets complicated, but my family and I ended up in Charlotte NC and it has been home for many years. Life and all its international flavors led to the basis of my visual expression of life.
Artist Statement:
Memories of year round summers spent at the beach and afternoons splashing in the water under the equatorial sun serve as my inspiration. When capturing water scenes, I pour paint like a wedding crasher filling a flute with champagne – before being quietly escorted away. My art is also about color. My palette is always bright and vivid. To me color signifies life and an expression of the beauty and joy found in it. It is a reflection of my family’s optimism, sense of adventure and embrace of everything life magically has to offer. My intention is to evoke a feeling of excitement by using these elements and subject matter. I want the viewer to be transported to a more carefree, bright and positive place, void of sexism, racism or any prejudice – even if it’s just for a moment.